Body Ripped - Alpha Mass

Product Description

Nutrition is everything when you are trying to put on some muscle mass and the team at Body Ripped have created an amazing and advanced product to help anyone looking to put on some muscle mass and weight.

Alpha Mass contains a matrix of high energy carbohydrates including waxy maize, maltodextrins, dextrose and fructose. It also contains pro-anabolic energy fats (MCTs). Alpha Mass also has an exceptional blend of proteins and amino acids including WPC, WPI, Hydrolysed WPI, Glutamine and BCAAs. There is also 3g of creatine to help with muscle endurance and strength and 2g of D-Aspartic Acid which will aid in testosterone production

Recommendations : Alpha Mass is best to be taken Post Workout as it is vital for muscle recovery and muscle production. Alpha Mass is also a great meal replacement supplement, especially when trying to gain muscle mass. For maximum results it is important to ensure you are reaching your caloric goals. 


What is it?

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