Protein Supplies Australia - Slow'N'Grow MPI Casein

Product Description

With high levels of Protein and a superior Amino Acid profile (especially BCAAs), our Micellar Casein is a Slow Releasing and Longer Lasting protein, commonly used during sleep to support Muscle Recovery over prolonged periods of time.

Carefully crafted from Australian pasture-few cow skim milk, Slow & Grow Casein is low-carb, low-fat, gluten-free & ultra-filtered, ensuring that it is the highest premium quality #naturalfuel.

Slow & Grow is free from all banned hormones, GMOs and unwanted additives, and is perfect to a slow release night time recovery, returning your body from a muscle-wasting (catabolic) to muscle-building (anabolic) state for up to 12 hours.

Studies have shown that the use of casein with a standard release protein (pre or post workout) can improve recovery time, strength and metabolic rates


What is it?

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