USP Labs - Modern BCAA

Product Description

USP Labs BCAA is an innovative and strongly dosed amino acid matrix and is ideal to help athletes recover and perform at an elite level. 

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) is a vital supplement that should be used by all sporting disciplines, and it promotes protein synthesis and maximum muscle recovery. BCAAs are Compiled of three amino acids, L-Leucine, Iso-Leucine, and Valine.

BCAAs are perfect to ensure your body remains in an anabolic state. When training muscle glycogen stores get depleted, and your body begins to break down muscles for energy, BCAAs can help to minimise this process.

The human body can't produce BCAAs which is essential for protein synthesis and muscle growth. BCAAs are found naturally in products such as red meat, chicken, and seafood, however, to acquire a clinical dose it is important to supplement BCAAs to ensure you are achieving optimal muscle recovery and performance in your chosen disciplines.

Recommendations : The clinical dose for BCAAs is between 5-10 Grams and is best taken during (Intra) Workout and throughout the day to promote protein synthesis and muscle recovery. 


What is it?

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