Protein Supplies Australia - WPI

Product Description

This fast to absorb, low fat, low carb, 99% lactose free, LEAN Whey Protein Isolate can truly be called the King of Whey. Perfect for a fast post-workout recovery, returning your body from a muscle-wasting (catabolic) to muscle-building (anabolic) state. Rich in amino acids–especially BCAAs–this nutritionally superior protein is ideal for anyone aiming to reduce carbohydrate and fat intake while fuelling their active lifestyle with a quality lean protein source.

This bioavailable native whey is crafted under a low heat filtration, making it truly one of the purest WPIs on the planet! Free from banned nasties, GMOs and unwanted additives.

This WPI is completely pure and has a pleasing, subtle taste, perfect for quick post-workout shakes, smoothies, cooking and baking.


What is it?

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